Municipality Documentation Sharing CMS
Creating a CMS that handles agenda's, documentation grooming and approvals
All Stages my project went Through

Creating a flow chart of all stages documents go through

Properties of elements - All instances a document needs to be able to have

Charting all user types and their permissions

Finding inspiration in design methods

Sketching out each page, figuring out and discussing each functionality and step

Sketching out each page, figuring out and discussing each functionality and step

Defining each screens in a prototype wireframe

Figuring out menu structures

Page design: Filtering search results

Municipality agenda with agenda items, documents and reviews - using Cards as a handy theme that enables Mobile, tablet and web in one base design

Monthly Calendar of agenda's

Weekly calendar

Daily Calendar

Contextual menus - menu items that only appear based upon the tasks you are currently working on - very useful for de-cluttering information - using a focus layer enables extra content without getting out of your task

Adding documents, or dossiers and manage the content with simple focussed task screens

Maintenance users sometimes require a different view then normal users would, so they know they can adjust documents